The iconic "Hello, World!" program, which is often used as a simple introductory example in programming tutorials, was first introduced in the book "The C Programming Language" by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. This book, commonly referred to as the "K&R" (Kernighan and Ritchie) book, was published in 1978 and became a cornerstone of C programming. The "Hello, World!" program simply prints the message "Hello, World!" to the screen and serves as a starting point for many people learning to code in C.
In this section of documentation, we'll look at functions in our library. With all of details and codes.
This function sets an attribute for console look
Parameter attribute - is attribute that will be used (const char*)
Return value - This function does not return anything
This function resets all attributes for current console
This function does not take any parameters
Return value - This function does not return anything
Set more than one Attribute
Parameter attributes - A string (const char*) parameter where all attributes must be stored
Parameter length - A number (const size_t) specifies length of first argument / parameter
Return value - This function does not return anything
Function to get the current number of rows in the console
This function does not take any parameters
This function returns number of rows in current console (int)
Function to get the current number of columns in the console
This function does not take any parameters
This function returns number of columns in current console (int)
Function to set the cursor position to an absolute row and column
Parameter row - This argument must be a number (const int) and it sets row for cursor
Parameter col - This argument must be a number (const int) and it sets column for cursor
This function does not return anything
Function to move cursor to a beginning of a specific row
Parameter row - This argument must be a number (const int) and it sets row for cursor
This function does not return anything
Function to move the cursor to the beginning of a specific column
Parameter col This argument must be a number (const int) and it sets column for cursor
This function does not return anything
Function to print an error box
Parameter msg - This argument must be a string (const char*)
This function doe snot return anything
Function to print a warning box
Parameter msg - This argument must be a string (const char*)
This function does not return anything
Function to print a message box
Parameter msg - This argument must be a string (const char*)
This function does not return anything
Function to print a success box
Parameter msg - This argument must be a string (const char*)
This function does not return anything
Function to output alert audio
This function doe snot take any parameters
This function does not return anything